The purpose of the Community Child Guidance Clinic is to provide multifaceted treatment approaches to children and their families. It is our hope that we strengthen the lives of our clients in order to help them reach their full potential. Our goal is to provide mental health services at the earliest possible time in a child’s life, with the least possible delay, and in the most time-and cost-efficient manner. Our programs and services are individually guided, highly efficient, accessible, and culturally sensitive.
A Message from CCGC's CEO

Welcome to the virtual abode of the Community Child Guidance Clinic, where lives are changed, and heros walk the hallways every day. As the CEO, I extend my warmest greetings to you, fellow champions of mental well-being! Here, we embark on a journey where hope is the compass and support is the fuel that propels us forward.
Within these digital walls, you'll discover a world dedicated to nurturing young minds, fostering resilience, and empowering families. Our team of compassionate superheroes strives to create a safe haven where all kids and families can heal and learn in a safe environment, filled with the most fantastic people working together to create positive outcomes everyday.
Whether you're a parent seeking guidance, a kindred spirit wishing to lend a helping hand, or an advocate championing change, you've found your crew. Together, we can unlock the infinite potential residing within each child, painting the canvas of their lives with vivid hues of healing and happiness.
So, take a moment to explore, connect, and embrace the vibrant spirit of our community. Let's inspire, uplift, and remind ourselves that even in the face of adversity, we are capable of extraordinary things. Together, we'll create a brighter future, one resilient heart at a time.
Welcome to the Community Child Guidance Clinic, where I am so proud to work with the best colleagues who give their best every single day to achieve wonderful things for our kids and families.
Dr. Jamie Bellenoit
Our programs and services are licensed by the Connecticut Department of Children and Families and Connecticut State Department of Education.
Our Most Current Annual Report: Fiscal Year 2021-2022