



太阳城娱乐的目的是为儿童及其家庭提供多方面的治疗方法. 这是我们的希望,我们加强我们的客户的生活,以帮助他们充分发挥其潜力. Our goal is to provide mental health services at the earliest possible time in a child’s life, 尽可能少地拖延, and in the most time-and cost-efficient manner. Our programs and services are individually guided, 高效, 可访问的, 还有文化敏感性.


Dr. 杰米Bellenoit: CCGC首席执行官

Welcome to the virtual abode of the 太阳城娱乐, 生活被改变的地方, and heros walk the hallways every day. As the CEO, I extend my warmest greetings to you, fellow champions of mental well-being! 在这里, 我们踏上了一段旅程,希望是指南针,支持是推动我们前进的燃料.

在这些数字墙里, you'll discover a world dedicated to nurturing young minds, 培养适应力, 赋予家庭权力. 我们富有同情心的超级英雄团队努力创造一个安全的避风港,让所有的孩子和家庭都能在一个安全的环境中康复和学习, filled with the most fantastic people working together to create positive outcomes everyday. 

Whether you're a parent seeking guidance, a kindred spirit wishing to lend a helping hand, 或者是一个倡导改变的人, 你找到你的船员了. 在一起, we can unlock the infinite potential residing within each child, painting the canvas of their lives with vivid hues of healing and happiness.

So, take a moment to explore, connect, and embrace the vibrant spirit of our community. 让我们激发, 隆起, and remind ourselves that even in the face of adversity, we are capable of extraordinary things. 在一起, we'll create a brighter future, one resilient heart at a time.

Welcome to the 太阳城娱乐, 在那里,我很自豪能和最好的同事一起工作,他们每天都全力以赴,为我们的孩子和家庭取得美好的成就. 


Dr. 杰米Bellenoit



Our Most Current Annual Report: Fiscal Year 2021-2022