What is IICAPS?
Our Intensive Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services (IICAPS) is a home-based, family-focused treatment program that brings treatment to children right in their homes, to ensure the least disruption to their school and family life. IICAPS helps identify and resolve problems that could result in hospitalization or out-of-home placements, and is ideal for children who need more support than traditional outpatient services can provide.
- Provide skills and resources necessary to help stabilize child at home
- Prevent ER visits and hospitalizations
- Identify obstacles interfering with child’s success in traditional outpatient programs
- Improve the relationship between child and family
Your child is assigned a two-person team of dedicated and caring clinicians who come to your home on a weekly basis to provide individual sessions, family therapy and parenting guidance. Additionally, they are available to respond to crises, attend meetings at school and elsewhere, help you obtain other services, and work with other providers who support your child. Your child will also have an opportunity to see a CCGC psychiatrist.
The program typically lasts six months, and during that time, we create an individualized session schedule and a treatment plan that will help your child and family make the most progress. Hours are flexible and responsive to the family’s daily routine, and by the end of treatment, you should see enough improvement in your child’s mood and behaviors that they can move on to more traditional outpatient or similar services.
If you would like more information about IICAPS, please contact our Director of Community and Home-Based services, Robin Entress, LCSW at (860) 643-2101 x121 or by email: REntress@everyday123.com.
Your child must have Husky insurance to receive IICAPS from CCGC. However, families with commercial insurance can be assigned Husky coverage for IICAPS sessions. If you have commercial insurance, please apply to DCF’s Voluntary Services by calling the DCF Hotline (1-800-842-2288) and select option 5 at the prompt.
Anyone can make an IICAPS referral, including a family member. However, it can be helpful to have your child’s clinician or doctor complete the form because of the clinical information requested. Please click the button below for the IICAPS Referral Form. Once completed, it can either be faxed to (860) 645-1470 (confidential line) or scanned and emailed (via your secure email) to REntress@everyday123.com.